Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009.01.08 Textbooks

ARTH 100, custom textbook costed me $138.08

I am not a person willing to sell old textbooks, but this one, I have to say, if the bookstore accepts it, I will sell it absolutely. As an Art History textbook, it is inelegant, rough. I am disappointed. Maybe the publisher didn't have enough time or money to get the best material and prepare the molds. They just scanned every whole page of old textbooks and copy them as a whole, rather than printed pictures and words separately. The texts are blurring.

About one week ago, I decided to go to Paris this summer. After that decision, all the money I'm spending now is automatically converted to the possible expense in Europe. I'm even not willing to buy a bottle of water - 2 dollar is 1 euro! This ugly textbook is three nights accommodation in Paris!

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